CLICK HERE FOR TEAM CAPTAIN REGISTRATION | Team Captain Registration closes 3/10
Team Captains:
Register as a Team Captain as soon as possible as the field is limited to 12 Teams in total
The deadline for Team Captain registration is Monday, March 10, 2025
Form a team of 12 runners – recruit your OTF friends, classmates, coaches, and staff from your home studio
Each team member must be a member, coach, or staff from your home OTF studio
Have interested and/or verbally committed runners go to this website and join the OTF Team Relay Facebook Group so that they can get all the details they need about participating
Ensure that your runners have an acceptable run tracking capability. See the Runners page for options
Assign runners to cover all 12 legs of the race – you will maintain a Team Roster via a shared Google Sheet with the Race Organizer
Ensure that team members have each others' phone numbers – so they can call to “tag” the next runner in the relay to “go”
Facilitate team communication during the relay race -- Create a Group Text
Team Captains can and should, but are not required to be a runner on their team
Determine a cause or non-profit that your team will run for -- the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place Teams will have a donation made to their non-profit organization
You will have a Team Captain Ambassador to assist and help ensure you have a great experience as a Team Captain
You will receive an exclusive OTF Team Relay - Team Captain T-shirt
Have Fun!
Team Captains that form a team before the team formation deadline receive an exclusive Team Captain T-shirt.
Sport-Tek Competitor Performance Shirt - 100% Polyester | TriDri Women's Venus Knot-Back Performance Tank - 100% polyester
Captain FAQs
Q: Why would I want to be a Team Captain?
A: You know a lot of awesome people at OTF who would love the opportunity to join your team and take on other OTF studios in a FUN and FRIENDLY team relay competition. Its easy and fun! An OTF Team Captain Ambassador will be ready to assist.
Q: How do I form a team?
A: Ask your OTF friends. Reach out to members who enjoy running -- check out the top runners for the running benchmarks: 12 Minute Run for Distance, 1 Mile Run, Catch Me If You Can, Orange Everest.
The Race Director will provide you with a shared Google Sheet for your Team that makes it easy to keep track of who you have invited to join and who has signed up and is confirmed on your Team Roster to participate.
Q: What happens if two teams tie? ...if two or more teams finish within the same minute?
A: The tie-breaker for any teams that finish within 1 minute of each other is based on the Total Run Time (excludes transition time between runs) of the Team's fastest TOTAL time of the 3 mile leg + 4 mile leg + 5 mile leg + 6 mile leg run times.